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Article 4 Discussion

Article 4 Discussion

Q Article #4 due Monday 8/31 by 11:59pm Article #4 due Monday 8/31 by 11:59pm Dear Class: Good job on commentary on the work of other students for each assignment. Please go to https// and respond to the following: 1. Describe the "silver linings" in 2 or more disasters. 2. How did WWI create the perfect storm for the flu pandemic of 1918? 3. Malnutrition is part of the 1918 flu pandemic. Why is that? Discuss. Does malnutrition play any part of COVID 19 today? How? 4. The article notes that more men die in pandemics than women. Go to your browser and find out if any more information can be found on this than in the article. Citations please. 5. How did the flu bring more women into the workforce? 6. What was happening in 1918 in terms of women's suffrage. Go to your browser and research this. Citations please. 7. What were the industries open to women workers? 8. Research how the National Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs was formed? Citations please. 9. The African-American women were also forming clubs and sororities during this time. Was this a response to entering the labor market or what? How did the flu pandemic impact them? Use your browser and be sure to list the citations for your research. 10. Interview a family member about WWI and the 1918 flu pandemic. (Go to your browser and research conducting interviews--citations please.) Most likely the folks alive at that time will be quite elderly (or deceased) so you may have to ask the children or grandchildren of these folks (men and women). Maybe there is a diary, a scrapbook, or photos. Write about that. If no one is available, go to your local newspaper and look at obits from 1918 or articles about how the flu impacts your community and report on that. Citations please. 11. And again citations please. Get the book on Pandemics by Shah. 12. Next week I will start taking off grade points for late work. PAM

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It was after the 2004 Tsunami that a civil conflict came to an end in Indonesia which killed almost 15000 people. Then again, it was due to the 14th Century Plague that many serfs of Europe got released and the wages of the laborers were increased creating a wave of change in the global economy. These two happenings are believed to the “silver linings” of the pandemic and the natural disaster.